
What is the reason for the removal of the Asperger Syndrome from the TEA in the DSM-5? Asperger Syndrome was removed from the TEA in the DSM-5. Th...

What is the reason for the removal of the Asperger Syndrome from the TEA in the DSM-5?

Asperger Syndrome was removed from the TEA in the DSM-5.
The reason for the removal was the lack of evidence that it is a distinct disorder from autism.

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Educação Especial Universidade Presidente Antônio CarlosUniversidade Presidente Antônio Carlos


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A Síndrome de Asperger foi removida do Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) no DSM-5 porque a falta de evidências sugere que ela não é um distúrbio distinto do autismo. Em vez disso, o DSM-5 incluiu o diagnóstico de Transtorno do Espectro Autista com especificadores para gravidade e níveis de suporte necessários.



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