
Complete the sentence with the best option: '_______' is more than a performance measurement. It constitutes a valuable strategic management tool; ...

Complete the sentence with the best option: '_______' is more than a performance measurement. It constitutes a valuable strategic management tool; allows the organization to evaluate; obtain feedback on the fulfillment of actions; synchronizes both business and

a. Lean Manufacturing
b. Just in time
c. Kaizen
e. Balanced Scorecard

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Questionário em Rotinas e Ferramentas Administrativas- Revisão da tentativa
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A opção correta é "e. Balanced Scorecard". A frase completa seria: "Balanced Scorecard is more than a performance measurement. It constitutes a valuable strategic management tool; allows the organization to evaluate; obtain feedback on the fulfillment of actions; synchronizes both business and". O Balanced Scorecard é uma ferramenta de gestão estratégica que ajuda as organizações a traduzir sua estratégia em ações tangíveis e mensuráveis.


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