
What are the two main body cavities and their subdivisions? I - The dorsal cavity is located near the posterior or dorsal surface of the body and ...

What are the two main body cavities and their subdivisions?

I - The dorsal cavity is located near the posterior or dorsal surface of the body and is composed of a cranial cavity and a vertebral canal.
II - The ventral cavity is located in the anterior or ventral (frontal) portion of the body and contains organs collectively called viscera.
III - The ventral cavity is divided into two main subdivisions - an upper portion called the thoracic cavity and a lower portion called the abdominopelvic cavity.
IV - The abdominal cavity contains the stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, and most of the large intestine.
V - The pelvic cavity contains the urinary bladder, portions of the large intestine, and the internal genital organs.
a) I, II, and III are correct.
b) II, III, and IV are correct.
c) III, IV, and V are correct.
d) I, II, III, IV, and V are correct.

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25 pág.

Anatomia Humana I Universidade Regional do CaririUniversidade Regional do Cariri

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A resposta correta é a alternativa "c) III, IV, e V estão corretas". Explicação: Existem duas cavidades principais no corpo humano: a cavidade dorsal e a cavidade ventral. A cavidade dorsal é composta pela cavidade craniana e pelo canal vertebral. A cavidade ventral é dividida em duas subdivisões principais: a cavidade torácica e a cavidade abdominopélvica. A cavidade abdominal contém o estômago, o baço, o fígado, a vesícula biliar, o pâncreas, o intestino delgado e a maior parte do intestino grosso. A cavidade pélvica contém a bexiga urinária, partes do intestino grosso e os órgãos genitais internos. Portanto, as afirmações III, IV e V estão corretas.


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