
What is understood by Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (Sinase) according to the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente? A set of rule...

What is understood by Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (Sinase) according to the Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente?

A set of rules and criteria that involve the execution of socio-educational measures
Only the federal system and all specific plans, policies, and programs for the care of adolescents in conflict with the law
The federal system, as well as all specific plans, policies, and programs for the care of adolescents in conflict with the law
Only municipal systems, as well as specific policies and programs for the care of adolescents and the elderly inserted in society
State, district, and municipal systems, as well as all specific plans, policies, and programs for the care of adolescents inserted in the educational system
a) A set of rules and criteria that involve the execution of socio-educational measures
b) Only the federal system and all specific plans, policies, and programs for the care of adolescents in conflict with the law
c) The federal system, as well as all specific plans, policies, and programs for the care of adolescents in conflict with the law
d) Only municipal systems, as well as specific policies and programs for the care of adolescents and the elderly inserted in society
e) State, district, and municipal systems, as well as all specific plans, policies, and programs for the care of adolescents inserted in the educational system

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Direito da Crianca e do Adolescente

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De acordo com o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente, o Sistema Nacional de Atendimento Socioeducativo (Sinase) é entendido como um conjunto de regras e critérios que envolvem a execução de medidas socioeducativas. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "a".


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