
According to NR-17.6.7, what is the improvement proposed for the situation of activities that must be performed standing up? a) Use of a rest seat...

According to NR-17.6.7, what is the improvement proposed for the situation of activities that must be performed standing up?

a) Use of a rest seat in locations where workers can use them during breaks.
b) Use of personal protective equipment.
c) Use of an adjustable seat.
d) Use of a column winch.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Atividade 2 uc3-TST senac Nota A
3 pág.

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De acordo com a NR-17.6.7, a alternativa correta é a letra A) Uso de assento para descanso em locais onde os trabalhadores possam utilizá-los durante as pausas.



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