
According to Decree 7.950/2013, what is the objective of the National DNA Profile Bank? a) The adhesion of the States and the Federal District to...

According to Decree 7.950/2013, what is the objective of the National DNA Profile Bank?

a) The adhesion of the States and the Federal District to the Integrated Network is mandatory.
b) The objective of the National DNA Profile Bank is to store genetic profile data collected exclusively for criminal investigation purposes.
c) The National DNA Profile Bank and the Integrated Network of DNA Profile Banks were established within the state secretariats.
d) The adhesion of the States and the Federal District to the Integrated Network must occur through a technical cooperation agreement between the federated unit and the Ministry of Justice.
e) The Integrated Network of DNA Profile Banks does not allow the sharing and comparison of genetic profiles contained in the Union, State, and Federal District profile banks.

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Genética Forense Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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De acordo com o Decreto 7.950/2013, o objetivo do Banco Nacional de Perfis Genéticos é armazenar dados de perfil genético coletados exclusivamente para fins de investigação criminal. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra b).


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