
Which of the following is a recommendation for writing clear and coherent texts? A. Prefer the inverse order to the direct order. B. Use ambiguous ...

Which of the following is a recommendation for writing clear and coherent texts?
A. Prefer the inverse order to the direct order.
B. Use ambiguous expressions to make the text more interesting.
C. Use different orders for the events in narrative texts.
D. Use connectives to establish logical relationships between arguments and information.

A. Prefer the inverse order to the direct order.
B. Use ambiguous expressions to make the text more interesting.
C. Use different orders for the events in narrative texts.
D. Use connectives to establish logical relationships between arguments and information.

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35 pág.

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A recomendação para escrever textos claros e coerentes é usar conectivos para estabelecer relações lógicas entre argumentos e informações. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra D.



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