
What are the criteria for tie-breaking in the Etec Vestibulinho selection process? 1. C1 - apply knowledge developed in elementary school to unde...

What are the criteria for tie-breaking in the Etec Vestibulinho selection process?

1. C1 - apply knowledge developed in elementary school to understand reality and solve problems;
2. C2 - critically analyze arguments presented in the questions;
3. C3 - evaluate actions and resolutions according to established criteria;
4. C4 - recognize and relate different forms of language, approaches, and communication techniques and expression;
5. C5 - interpret chronicles, poems, charges, tables, graphs, maps, and other forms of representation and/or images;
6. be older;
7. by drawing lots.

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Os critérios de desempate no processo seletivo do Vestibulinho da Etec são os seguintes: 1. Maior nota na prova de conhecimentos gerais; 2. Maior nota na prova de português; 3. Maior nota na prova de matemática; 4. Maior idade. Se ainda assim houver empate, será realizado um sorteio público para definir a classificação final.


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