
What is the definition of a crime attempted according to Brazilian law? a) A crime that is not consummated due to circumstances beyond the will of ...

What is the definition of a crime attempted according to Brazilian law?
a) A crime that is not consummated due to circumstances beyond the will of the agent.
b) A crime that is not punished because the means used were absolutely ineffective or the object was absolutely inappropriate.
c) A crime that presupposes the repetition of conduct for consummation, with isolated conduct considered an atypical fact.
d) A crime that is punished in the same way as the consummated crime, because what matters is the intention of the agent.

a) A crime that is not consummated due to circumstances beyond the will of the agent.
b) A crime that is not punished because the means used were absolutely ineffective or the object was absolutely inappropriate.
c) A crime that presupposes the repetition of conduct for consummation, with isolated conduct considered an atypical fact.
d) A crime that is punished in the same way as the consummated crime, because what matters is the intention of the agent.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

5 Iter Criminis
10 pág.

Direito Processual Civil I Centro Universitário do Distrito FederalCentro Universitário do Distrito Federal


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A definição de crime tentado segundo a lei brasileira é a alternativa a) Um crime que não é consumado devido a circunstâncias alheias à vontade do agente.



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