
What are the main tasks in the M.A.P.A. activity of the discipline Technical Drawing and Rural Constructions? Represent projectively the design o...

What are the main tasks in the M.A.P.A. activity of the discipline Technical Drawing and Rural Constructions?

Represent projectively the design of a cargo cart, draw the project of a water collection system using orthographic representation, and describe the main characteristics for comfort in a rural housing project.
Represent projectively the design of a water collection system, draw the project of a cargo cart using orthographic representation, and describe the main characteristics for comfort in a rural housing project.
Represent projectively the design of a cargo cart, draw the project of a water collection system using isometric representation, and describe the main characteristics for comfort in a rural housing project.
Represent projectively the design of a water collection system, draw the project of a cargo cart using isometric representation, and describe the main characteristics for comfort in a rural housing project.

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As principais tarefas na atividade M.A.P.A. da disciplina Desenho Técnico e Construções Rurais são: representar projetivamente o design de um carrinho de carga, desenhar o projeto de um sistema de coleta de água usando representação ortográfica e descrever as principais características para o conforto em um projeto de habitação rural.


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