
Analysing the Experimentos em Trocadores de Calor, da Algetec, ao Trocador de Calor do tipo Tubos Concêntricos na Bancada, after energizing the pan...

Analysing the Experimentos em Trocadores de Calor, da Algetec, ao Trocador de Calor do tipo Tubos Concêntricos na Bancada, after energizing the panel, turning on the heater and waiting for the temperature to reach 60°C, opening the valves and increasing the flow of pump 2 (cold fluid), observe what happens and then analyze the sentences below: - The outlet temperature of the hot fluid decreases. II- This occurs because the increase in the flow of the cold fluid decreases its residence time, keeping its temperature lower and cooling more hot fluid. Considering sentences I and II, indicate the correct alternative.

A) Sentences I and II are correct and sentence II complements sentence I.
B) Sentences I and II are correct but sentence II does not complement sentence I.
C) Sentence I is correct and sentence II is incorrect.
D) Sentence I is incorrect and sentence II is correct.
E) Sentences I and II are incorrect.

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Captura de tela de 2023-12-11 23-28-22
1 pág.

Fenômenos de Transporte I EngenhariasEngenharias


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A alternativa correta é a letra A) Sentences I and II are correct and sentence II complements sentence I.



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