
7- Read the following text: huge lunar meteorite that crashed down to Earth thousands of years ago is going up for auction and people expect it t...

7- Read the following text: huge lunar meteorite that crashed down to Earth thousands of years ago is going up for auction and people expect it to sell for over half a million dollars. Tricia Eaton, the auctioneer, said that it felt incredible to hold a piece of the moon. The rock is special (1)______ its size - lunar meteorites found on Earth are usually as big as an apple. People found the 54-kilogram rock in a desert in Mauritania (a country in north western Africa) last year. Which conjunction completes the gap above? A) because of. B) in spite of. C) then. D) additionally. E) however.


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A conjunção que completa a lacuna é "because of". A frase completa seria: "The rock is special because of its size - lunar meteorites found on Earth are usually as big as an apple." (A rocha é especial por causa de seu tamanho - meteoritos lunares encontrados na Terra geralmente têm o tamanho de uma maçã.)



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