
What are the advantages of data mining? Identification of patterns Discovery of valuable insights Prediction of future behaviors Identification of ...

What are the advantages of data mining?
Identification of patterns
Discovery of valuable insights
Prediction of future behaviors
Identification of frauds
Improvement of marketing and sales
Improvement of decision-making
Identification of business opportunities
Cost reduction
I - Data mining can help identify patterns and trends in data that may be difficult to detect using traditional methods of data analysis.
II - Data mining can help discover valuable insights that can help organizations improve their efficiency, productivity, and decision-making.
III - Data mining can help predict future behaviors based on historical patterns, allowing organizations to take preventive or corrective measures.
IV - Data mining can help identify suspicious patterns that may indicate fraudulent activities, helping to prevent fraud and increase financial security.
V - Data mining can help identify customer buying patterns, allowing organizations to develop more effective and personalized marketing campaigns for customers.
VI - Data mining can provide valuable insights to support decision-making in areas such as finance, education, health, security, transportation, public policies, among others, to deliver value to society.
VII - Data mining can help identify new business opportunities based on patterns and trends in data.
VIII - Data mining can help organizations reduce costs by identifying inefficiencies and areas of waste.
b) I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII
c) I, II, III, IV, V, VI
d) I, II, III, IV, V
e) I, II, III, IV

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Mineração de Dados_ Vantagens, Algoritmos, Técnicas e Ferramentas
5 pág.

Gerenciamento de Projetos Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais

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A alternativa correta é a letra "a) I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII". Todas as opções apresentadas são vantagens do uso de data mining, incluindo a identificação de padrões, descoberta de insights valiosos, previsão de comportamentos futuros, identificação de fraudes, melhoria de marketing e vendas, melhoria de tomada de decisão, identificação de oportunidades de negócios e redução de custos.


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