
5- After using reading techniques, what can you understand about the first part of the text? The first part of the text provides a general descri...

5- After using reading techniques, what can you understand about the first part of the text?

The first part of the text provides a general description of the DM7474. The text begins with the following sentence: "This device contains two independent positive-edge-triggered D-type flip-flops with complementary outputs." This sentence tells us that the DM7474 is a device that contains two D-type flip-flops. The flip-flops are digital devices that can store a bit of information. The D-type means that the flip-flop stores the value of input D when the clock signal goes from low to high edge. The sentence also tells us that the outputs of the DM7474 are complementary. This means that the Q and Q' outputs are opposite. When Q is HIGH, Q' is LOW, and vice versa. In addition, the first part of the text provides information about the inputs and outputs of the DM7474, such as the clock input, preset input, clear input, and complementary outputs.

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A primeira parte do texto fornece uma descrição geral do DM7474, um dispositivo que contém dois flip-flops D independentes de borda de subida com saídas complementares. O texto explica que os flip-flops são dispositivos digitais que podem armazenar um bit de informação e que o tipo D significa que o flip-flop armazena o valor da entrada D quando o sinal do relógio vai da borda baixa para a borda alta. Além disso, a primeira parte do texto fornece informações sobre as entradas e saídas do DM7474, como a entrada do relógio, entrada de pré-ajuste, entrada de limpeza e saídas complementares.



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