
What are the dates for the 39th OAB exam? Publication of the edital: 29/12/2023 Registration period: 08/01/2024 to 16/01/2024 Request for exemptio...

What are the dates for the 39th OAB exam?

Publication of the edital: 29/12/2023
Registration period: 08/01/2024 to 16/01/2024
Request for exemption from the fee: 08/01 to 16/01
Disclosure of test locations: 18/03
1st Phase Exam: 24/03
Preliminary 1st Phase Gabarito: 24/03
Interposition of resources: 25/03 to 29/03
Preliminary Result of the 1st Phase: 10/04
Final Result of the 1st Phase: 23/04
2nd Phase Exam: 19/05
Preliminary Standards of the 2nd Phase: 19/05
Preliminary Result of the 2nd Phase: 12/06
Interposition of resources: 13/06 to 16/06
Final Result of the Exam: 27/06

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Análise do Edital _ Infográfico 40 Exame da OAB
2 pág.

Direito Constitucional Avançado Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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The dates for the 39th OAB exam are: - Publication of the edital: 29/12/2023 - Registration period: 08/01/2024 to 16/01/2024 - Request for exemption from the fee: 08/01 to 16/01 - Disclosure of test locations: 18/03 - 1st Phase Exam: 24/03 - Preliminary 1st Phase Gabarito: 24/03 - Interposition of resources: 25/03 to 29/03 - Preliminary Result of the 1st Phase: 10/04 - Final Result of the 1st Phase: 23/04 - 2nd Phase Exam: 19/05 - Preliminary Standards of the 2nd Phase: 19/05 - Preliminary Result of the 2nd Phase: 12/06 - Interposition of resources: 13/06 to 16/06 - Final Result of the Exam: 27/06


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