
CLSI defines routine Complete urine test as a test with procedures that are usually performed quickly, reaching 1.00 of reliable, precise, safe and...

CLSI defines routine Complete urine test as a test with procedures that are usually performed quickly, reaching 1.00 of reliable, precise, safe and cost-effective. The reasons for performing the urine test identified by CLSI include: aiding in the diagnosis of the disease, screening asymptomatic populations for disease detection, monitoring the progression of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. Choose the correct alternative.

a. The only type of urine sample requested by the doctor is urine.
b. In the collection of urine for routine examination, it is desirable that the urogenital region be antiseptically cleaned and, for this procedure to be performed, patients should be instructed to wash their hands before starting the collection and to have adequate hygiene material.
c. For routine urine examination, the collection should be performed after at least 4 hours since the last urination, regardless of whether the individual has performed intense physical activity in the preceding six hours.
d. There is more than one correct item.
e. The first morning sample is the ideal sample for routine urine examination, as it is less concentrated, thus guaranteeing the detection of chemical compounds and formed elements that cannot be observed in a more concentrated random sample.

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Enfermagem Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista


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A alternativa correta é a letra E: "A primeira amostra da manhã é a amostra ideal para o exame de urina de rotina, pois é menos concentrada, garantindo assim a detecção de compostos químicos e elementos formados que não podem ser observados em uma amostra aleatória mais concentrada." As outras alternativas estão incorretas: a. O médico pode solicitar outros tipos de amostras de urina, como a urina de 24 horas. b. A limpeza antisséptica da região urogenital é recomendada, mas não é a única instrução para a coleta de urina. c. Não há um tempo mínimo de espera após a última micção para a coleta de urina de rotina. d. Há apenas uma alternativa correta.



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