
The sentence 'While lingua francas have been used for centuries' is in the passive voice form. Now look at alternatives below and choose the one wh...

The sentence 'While lingua francas have been used for centuries' is in the passive voice form. Now look at alternatives below and choose the one which is not in the passive voice.

A) English has been considered a lingua Franca for a long time.
B) English language is used as a tool of international communication.
C) English is spoken in business transactions and important formal encounters.
D) In many countries around the globe the English language is being taught in public schools.
E) Many people around the world have been learning English.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prova de Seletivo Inglês IMBITUBA- FUCAPSUL
11 pág.

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A alternativa que não está na voz passiva é a letra B) "English language is used as a tool of international communication." A frase está na voz ativa, pois o sujeito "English language" pratica a ação "is used". As demais alternativas estão na voz passiva, pois o sujeito sofre a ação do verbo.


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