
What is the conclusion of the study about the Holy Spirit based on the text? The Holy Spirit is a person who comforts, helps, advises, and advoca...

What is the conclusion of the study about the Holy Spirit based on the text?

The Holy Spirit is a person who comforts, helps, advises, and advocates for us.
The Holy Spirit is an impersonal force that was present in the creation of the universe and mankind.
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Holy Trinity and possesses the same attributes as the Father and the Son.

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Administração Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista

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A conclusão do estudo sobre o Espírito Santo, com base no texto, é que o Espírito Santo é a terceira pessoa da Santíssima Trindade e possui os mesmos atributos do Pai e do Filho.


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