
According to the text, all the alternatives below are correct, except: a) refreshing wines are enervating and not exciting. b) light, easygoing a...

According to the text, all the alternatives below are correct, except:
a) refreshing wines are enervating and not exciting.
b) light, easygoing and refreshing wines are suitable for summer.
c) heavy wines must be stored away during the summer like the winter wools are.
d) refreshing wines are desirable during the whole year, but a must for the summer.

a) refreshing wines are enervating and not exciting.
b) light, easygoing and refreshing wines are suitable for summer.
c) heavy wines must be stored away during the summer like the winter wools are.
d) refreshing wines are desirable during the whole year, but a must for the summer.

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Eear Biológicas / SaúdeBiológicas / Saúde


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A alternativa que não está correta de acordo com o texto é a letra A) "vinhos refrescantes são enfraquecedores e não excitantes". O texto não menciona que os vinhos refrescantes são enfraquecedores.


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