
A problem is a difficulty that prevents a desire from being realized. Solving problems requires the ability to create adequate representations of r...

A problem is a difficulty that prevents a desire from being realized. Solving problems requires the ability to create adequate representations of reality (models) and, with their help, find a solution algorithm that explains how to remove or overcome such difficulty. Thus, we can classify a problem into two distinct types. Which ones?

Anomalies and chronic.
Anomalies and difficult.
Anomalies and special.
Difficult and chronic.
Special and chronic.

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Av Inovação Tecnologica
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Inovação Tecnológica Universidade Estácio de Sá - EADUniversidade Estácio de Sá - EAD


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A classificação dos problemas em dois tipos distintos é: Anomalias e Difíceis. Portanto, a alternativa correta é "Anomalias e Difíceis".



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