
What was the significance of the 1961 crisis in Brazilian politics? 1. The crisis was a result of the economic recession that affected Brazil in t...

What was the significance of the 1961 crisis in Brazilian politics?

1. The crisis was a result of the economic recession that affected Brazil in the early 1960s, leading to social unrest and political instability.
2. The crisis was a result of the conflict between the military and civilian sectors of the government, with each side trying to gain more power and influence.
3. The crisis was a result of the resignation of Jânio Quadros, which created a power vacuum and triggered a struggle for succession.
4. The crisis was a result of the growing influence of communist and socialist movements in Brazil, which threatened the national security and stability.

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A crise de 1961 na política brasileira foi significativa porque foi resultado da renúncia de Jânio Quadros, que criou um vácuo de poder e desencadeou uma luta pela sucessão. A renúncia de Jânio Quadros foi inesperada e deixou o país em uma situação de incerteza política. Além disso, a crise também foi agravada pela disputa entre os militares e os civis pelo controle do governo.


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