
Who was Aristotle of Stagira and what was his contribution to Greek knowledge? Aristotle was a Greek philosopher born in Stagira, Macedonia, in 38...

Who was Aristotle of Stagira and what was his contribution to Greek knowledge?

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher born in Stagira, Macedonia, in 384 BC.
Aristotle wrote more than a hundred works on various subjects, of which 47 remain, although not all of them are of proven authenticity.
Aristotle played an extraordinary role in the organization of Greek knowledge, adding his genius contribution, which decisively influenced the history of Western thought.

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Aristóteles de Estagira foi um filósofo grego nascido em 384 a.C. Ele foi aluno de Platão e mais tarde se tornou professor de Alexandre, o Grande. Aristóteles escreveu mais de cem obras sobre diversos assuntos, incluindo ética, política, metafísica, biologia e física. Sua contribuição para o conhecimento grego foi enorme, pois ele organizou e sistematizou muitas áreas do conhecimento, incluindo a lógica, a retórica e a poética. Além disso, ele desenvolveu uma teoria do conhecimento que influenciou a filosofia ocidental por séculos.



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