
Considering the Technical Guideline No. 05/2017 (Version 2 - Sep./2019) on the disposal and reuse of liquid effluents in the state of Rio Grande do...

Considering the Technical Guideline No. 05/2017 (Version 2 - Sep./2019) on the disposal and reuse of liquid effluents in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which of the following statements is correct?

I. For alternative 02: treatment of liquid effluents and subsequent discharge into surface waters, including indirectly, through the rainwater network, the surface discharge of effluents, even treated, into bodies of water of Special Class is prohibited.
II. For alternative 03: treatment of liquid effluents and reuse for agricultural production and cultivation of planted forests in the case of disposal of industrial liquid effluents in agricultural areas, the application of treated liquid effluents will only be evaluated for crops that are consumed raw, orchards, forage (in direct grazing with access restrictions) and reforestation areas and forest plantations. The use of treated effluents in the cultivation of vegetables, tubers and roots, and flooded crops, as well as other crops whose edible part comes into contact with the soil, may be licensed.
III. For alternative 04: treatment of liquid effluents with final disposal in the soil, the general conditions of environmental viability for the adoption of this alternative are that the final disposal sites of the effluents must have soil suitable for this purpose, observing minimally: unsaturated thickness, chemical composition, percolation capacity and groundwater classification.
IV. For alternative 05: treatment of liquid effluents and reuse for urban purposes in cases where the reuse water is intended for landscape irrigation, for a volume greater than 20 m³/day, a specific process must be requested for the activity. The concentrations of chlorides and sodium should also be observed, aiming to minimize risks of damage to the soil and vegetation. For this purpose, a technical opinion from a qualified professional for the application rate should be observed, with chloride concentrations not exceeding 250 mg/L.
V. For alternative 06: treatment of liquid effluents and reuse in the production process, the water balance and the percentage of reuse of the treated liquid effluents must be informed to FEPAM, defining the different uses within the enterprise, as well as the monthly report of the reuse water, reporting the reused volumes and the emergency situations that did not allow reuse, with the actions taken for disposal and operational corrections.
A) I and II.
B) II and V.
C) I, III and V.
D) II, III and IV.
E) III, IV and V.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Cc FEPAM Henrique Luis Roessler-RS 2022 - Engenheiro Civil - Prova, Gabarito e Resolução Lógica-Matemática e Conhecimentos Específicos
24 pág.

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A alternativa correta é a letra B) II e V. A alternativa I está incorreta, pois a descarga de efluentes tratados em corpos d'água de Classe Especial é proibida em todas as alternativas, não apenas na alternativa 02. A alternativa III está incorreta, pois a avaliação do uso de efluentes tratados em culturas que têm contato com o solo, como vegetais, tubérculos e raízes, pode ser licenciada em todas as alternativas, não apenas na alternativa 04. A alternativa IV está incorreta, pois as condições gerais de viabilidade ambiental para a adoção da alternativa 04 incluem, além dos critérios mencionados, a distância mínima de 200 metros de corpos d'água superficiais e subterrâneos, o que não foi mencionado. A alternativa V está correta, pois a utilização de efluentes tratados para fins urbanos, como irrigação paisagística, deve seguir critérios específicos, como a concentração de cloretos e sódio, e deve ser acompanhada por um profissional qualificado. Além disso, a alternativa 06 também menciona a necessidade de relatórios mensais sobre o uso de água de reuso.


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