
07 (ESAF/AFTN/96) - In a veterinary laboratory experiment, it was observed that the time required for a rabbit to go through a maze, on the nth att...

07 (ESAF/AFTN/96) - In a veterinary laboratory experiment, it was observed that the time required for a rabbit to go through a maze, on the nth attempt, was given by the function C(n) = (3+12/n) minutes. Regarding this experiment, it can be stated that a rabbit:

can go through the maze in less than three minutes
takes five minutes and forty seconds to go through the maze on the fifth attempt
takes eight minutes to go through the maze on the third attempt
goes through the maze in four minutes on the tenth attempt
goes through the maze in three minutes and thirty seconds on one of the attempts

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exercícios raciocínio lógico

Gramática Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

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A alternativa correta é: "takes five minutes and forty seconds to go through the maze on the fifth attempt". Isso pode ser verificado substituindo "n" por 5 na função C(n) = (3+12/n) e resolvendo a equação: C(5) = (3+12/5) = (3+2.4) = 5.4 minutos Portanto, a alternativa correta é que o coelho leva 5 minutos e 40 segundos para passar pelo labirinto na quinta tentativa.


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