
Complete the sentence: Snow's main contribution was the systematization of epidemiological methodology, which remained, with minor modifications, u...

Complete the sentence: Snow's main contribution was the systematization of epidemiological methodology, which remained, with minor modifications, until the mid-20th century. He describes the behavior of cholera through mortality data, studying, in a logical sequence, the frequency and distribution of deaths according to the chronology of events (aspects related to time) and the places of occurrence (aspects related to space), as well as surveying other factors related to cases (aspects related to people), in order to develop causal hypotheses.

Until the mid-20th century.

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Snow's main contribution was the systematization of epidemiological methodology, which remained, with minor modifications, until the mid-20th century. He describes the behavior of cholera through mortality data, studying, in a logical sequence, the frequency and distribution of deaths according to the chronology of events (aspects related to time) and the places of occurrence (aspects related to space), as well as surveying other factors related to cases (aspects related to people), in order to develop causal hypotheses. This methodology was fundamental for the development of modern epidemiology.



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