
According to ABNT NBR 14276:2006, what is the minimum number of brigadistas for the training modules 31 and 32? The training module 31 is about re...

According to ABNT NBR 14276:2006, what is the minimum number of brigadistas for the training modules 31 and 32?

The training module 31 is about rescue of victims in confined spaces.
The training module 32 is about rescue of victims at height.
The minimum number of brigadistas for the training modules 31 and 32 is four.
a) Only afirmation I is correct.
b) Only afirmation II is correct.
c) Only afirmation III is correct.
d) Afirmations I and II are correct.
e) Afirmations II and III are correct.

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Sistemas de Proteção Contra Incêndio e Pânico Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista

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De acordo com a ABNT NBR 14276:2006, o número mínimo de brigadistas para os módulos de treinamento 31 e 32 é de quatro. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "d", que afirma que as afirmações I e II estão corretas.


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