
According to the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, what are the lines of action of the policy of care for children and adolescents? I - basic ...

According to the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, what are the lines of action of the policy of care for children and adolescents?

I - basic social policies; II - services, programs, projects, and social assistance benefits to guarantee social protection and prevent and reduce violations of rights; III - special medical and psychosocial prevention and care services for victims of neglect, mistreatment, exploitation, abuse, cruelty, and oppression; IV - identification and location service for missing parents, guardians, children, and adolescents; V - legal and social protection by entities defending the rights of children and adolescents.
I - basic social policies; II - services, programs, projects, and social assistance benefits to guarantee social protection and prevent and reduce violations of rights; III - special medical and psychosocial prevention and care services for victims of neglect, mistreatment, exploitation, abuse, cruelty, and oppression; IV - identification and location service for missing parents, guardians, children, and adolescents; V - legal and social protection by entities defending the rights of children and adolescents; VI - policies and programs aimed at preventing or shortening the period of separation from family life and ensuring the effective exercise of the right to family life for children and adolescents; VII - campaigns to encourage foster care and adoption of children and adolescents removed from family life and inter-racial adoption of older children or adolescents with specific health needs or disabilities and groups of siblings.
I - basic social policies; II - services, programs, projects, and social assistance benefits to guarantee social protection and prevent and reduce violations of rights; III - special medical and psychosocial prevention and care services for victims of neglect, mistreatment, exploitation, abuse, cruelty, and oppression; IV - identification and location service for missing parents, guardians, children, and adolescents; V - legal and social protection by entities defending the rights of children and adolescents; VI - policies and programs aimed at preventing or shortening the period of separation from family life and ensuring the effective exercise of the right to family life for children and adolescents; VII - campaigns to encourage foster care and adoption of children and adolescents removed from family life and inter-racial adoption of older children or adolescents with specific health needs or disabilities and groups of siblings; VIII - attention to early childhood, including knowledge about children's rights and child development; IX - training and qualification of professionals in the area of child and adolescent care.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Novo ECA atualizado 2022
232 pág.

Direito da Crianca e do Adolescente


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A resposta correta é a alternativa III: III - serviços especiais de prevenção e atendimento médico-psicossocial às vítimas de negligência, maus-tratos, exploração, abuso, crueldade e opressão;



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