
Format the following text into a test question: A monographic or Course Completion Work should preferably be written in the impersonal style (3rd ...

Format the following text into a test question:

A monographic or Course Completion Work should preferably be written in the impersonal style (3rd person singular).
The introduction should include the central question of the Monograph, the objectives of the work, as well as the means to be used for such.
The development should include the process of explaining the central problem of the Monograph, the hypotheses of work, and the techniques used to obtain data, thus verifying the hypotheses elaborated.
The conclusion should be brief and recapitulate the results of the research, highlighting which hypothesis(es) of the work is/are confirmed and why.
What is the recommended writing style for a Monographic or Course Completion Work?
What should be included in the introduction of a Monographic or Course Completion Work?
What should be included in the development of a Monographic or Course Completion Work?
What should be the length of the conclusion of a Monographic or Course Completion Work?

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prodanov e Freitas
277 pág.

Metodologia Científica Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


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Qual é o estilo de escrita recomendado para um Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso ou Monografia?
O que deve ser incluído na introdução de um Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso ou Monografia?
O que deve ser incluído no desenvolvimento de um Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso ou Monografia?
Qual deve ser o tamanho da conclusão de um Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso ou Monografia?


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