
What is the meaning of the symptom of a fractured vomer bone? The fracture of the vomer bone represents a warning shot to the bow of the body's s...

What is the meaning of the symptom of a fractured vomer bone?

The fracture of the vomer bone represents a warning shot to the bow of the body's ship, indicating that the person is going too far in certain areas and needs to correct their course of life.
The loss of taste is not a dangerous symptom, and therefore it is not given much value as a disease.
The symptom of a fractured vomer bone is related to a lack of consciousness and a tendency to escape from reality.
The excessive use of tobacco is the main cause of the loss of taste and the lack of ability to recognize different flavors.

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A resposta correta é: "The fracture of the vomer bone can cause symptoms such as nasal obstruction, pain, and bleeding." (A fratura do osso vômer pode causar sintomas como obstrução nasal, dor e sangramento.) As outras opções apresentadas na descrição da pergunta não estão relacionadas com o significado do sintoma de uma fratura do osso vômer.


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