
What were the proposals of Alexander Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane regarding the origin of life? a. The origin of life occurred in a hot and small lake...

What were the proposals of Alexander Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane regarding the origin of life?
a. The origin of life occurred in a hot and small lake.
b. The origin of life occurred in a primordial soup.
c. The origin of life occurred in geothermal hot springs.
d. The origin of life occurred in volcanic rafts.
e. The origin of life occurred in hydrothermal vents.
I - Alexander Oparin and J.B.S. Haldane proposed the idea of a primordial soup as the origin of life.
II - The Miller-Urey experiment was able to recreate the conditions of the primordial soup and produce organic compounds.
III - The hypothesis of panspermia suggests that life was spread throughout the universe by microorganisms.
IV - The RNA world hypothesis suggests that RNA was the first genetic material.
V - The first cells were probably similar to modern bacteria or archaea.
a) I, II and IV are correct.
b) II, III and V are correct.
c) I, II, IV and V are correct.
d) III, IV and V are correct.
e) I, II, III and V are correct.


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Alexander Oparin e J.B.S. Haldane propuseram a ideia de uma sopa primordial como a origem da vida. A alternativa correta é a letra "c) I, II, IV e V estão corretas". O experimento de Miller-Urey foi capaz de recriar as condições da sopa primordial e produzir compostos orgânicos. A hipótese da panspermia sugere que a vida foi espalhada pelo universo por microorganismos. A hipótese do mundo de RNA sugere que o RNA foi o primeiro material genético. As primeiras células provavelmente eram semelhantes às bactérias ou arqueias modernas.



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