
What were the first institutes of commercial law that emerged during the formation of commercial law? The first institutes of commercial law that ...

What were the first institutes of commercial law that emerged during the formation of commercial law?

The first institutes of commercial law that emerged during the formation of commercial law were the Corporations of Craftsmen, which had a relevant role in the society of the time, even obtaining some autonomy in relation to the feudal nobility.
In this first phase of commercial law, it comprised the customs and practices observed in the discipline of legal-commercial relations, and there was no 'state' participation yet.
In this period of formation of commercial law, its first legal institutes emerged, such as credit titles (bill of exchange), societies (orders), commercial contracts (insurance contract), and banks.
One of the striking characteristics of this initial phase of commercial law is its subjectivism. Commercial law was the law of the members of the corporations or, as Rubens Requião put it, it was a law 'at the service of the merchant'.
a) I, II, III and IV are correct.
b) Only I and II are correct.
c) Only III and IV are correct.
d) Only I, II and III are correct.


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A alternativa correta é a letra "d) Only I, II and III are correct." pois as afirmativas I, II e III estão corretas. A afirmativa IV está incorreta, pois os bancos não foram um dos primeiros institutos do direito comercial a surgir, mas sim um dos mais importantes que surgiram posteriormente.



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