
Linguística Aplicada e Aquisição de Segunda Língua Considering Bloom’s taxonomy, select the correct alternative: A Remembering is the last level ...

Linguística Aplicada e Aquisição de Segunda Língua Considering Bloom’s taxonomy, select the correct alternative: A Remembering is the last level of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy. It regards the ability to recall information and it is what should be required in tests. B Creating is a higher-order thinking skill that works with creativity and the ability to do something different with resources learners have from previous learning experiences. C Analysing regards generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things. D Language teaching must provide opportunities for learners to use language and concepts studied in the classroom in new contexts. Understanding is the

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A alternativa correta é a letra A: "Remembering is the last level of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy. It regards the ability to recall information and it is what should be required in tests." (Lembrar é o último nível da taxonomia de Bloom revisada. Refere-se à habilidade de lembrar informações e é o que deve ser exigido em testes.)


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