
What are some ways to evaluate investments and measure risks? Calculating and interpreting various rates and numbers Using mathematical and computa...

What are some ways to evaluate investments and measure risks?
Calculating and interpreting various rates and numbers
Using mathematical and computational tools
Analyzing the current market and organizational context
Considering internal and external aspects of the company
The turnover rate measures the general situation of the company when measuring the turnover of the investment portfolio.
The present value net (VPL) informs how much cash flow the company has at the present time, considering all inflows and outflows of financial resources.
The internal rate of return (IRR) indicates with a high degree of accuracy whether an investment will be profitable in the future.
The payback is the time it takes to recover the cost of an investment, the deadline for accumulated earnings over time to equal the amount initially invested.
The minimum attractiveness rate (TMA) is an indicator that shows the minimum financial return that an investment must generate to be economically viable.
a) I, II, III, IV and V are correct.
b) I, II, III and IV are correct.
c) II, III, IV and V are correct.
d) I, III, IV and V are correct.

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Gestão Financeira Estratégica
88 pág.

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Avaliar investimentos e medir riscos pode ser feito de várias maneiras, incluindo: 1. Calculando e interpretando várias taxas e números, como o VPL, TIR e Payback. 2. Usando ferramentas matemáticas e computacionais para analisar dados financeiros e de mercado. 3. Analisando o contexto atual do mercado e da organização. 4. Considerando aspectos internos e externos da empresa. Com base nas informações fornecidas, a alternativa correta é a letra "b) I, II, III e IV estão corretas".



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