
What is the definition of toxicocinetics? A. It is the study of the relationship between a certain amount of a toxic agent that acts on the body a...

What is the definition of toxicocinetics?

A. It is the study of the relationship between a certain amount of a toxic agent that acts on the body and the concentration found in the plasma, relating the processes of absorption, distribution, and elimination of the agent over time.
B. It is the study of the effects of toxic substances on the environment, such as pollutants, and how they interact with the human body, resulting in changes in homeostasis.
C. It is the study of the effects of toxic substances on the body, including the mechanisms of action and the different areas of toxicology.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Toxicologia Clínica e Análises Toxicológicas
82 pág.

Toxicologia Geral Fundação Universidade Federal de ViçosaFundação Universidade Federal de Viçosa

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A resposta correta é a alternativa A. Toxicocinética é o estudo da relação entre uma certa quantidade de um agente tóxico que age no corpo e a concentração encontrada no plasma, relacionando os processos de absorção, distribuição e eliminação do agente ao longo do tempo.


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