
What should the student do if they have questions about the TCE? Look for Rodrigo during the Coordination Office's office hours. Contact the UNIP ...

What should the student do if they have questions about the TCE?

Look for Rodrigo during the Coordination Office's office hours.
Contact the UNIP Internship Sector.
Contact the internship supervisor.
Post the internship completion documents at the end of the semester.
a) Only item I is correct.
b) Only item II is correct.
c) Only item III is correct.
d) Only item IV is correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

TCE - orientacoes
1 pág.

Psicanálise Colégio ObjetivoColégio Objetivo

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A resposta correta é a alternativa C) Apenas o item III está correto. O aluno deve entrar em contato com o supervisor de estágio para esclarecer suas dúvidas sobre o TCE.


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