
Leia o texto abaixo, cuidadosamente: Some people think we won’t need money or credit card by the year 2025 because there won’t be any stores by the...

Leia o texto abaixo, cuidadosamente: Some people think we won’t need money or credit card by the year 2025 because there won’t be any stores by then. They think we’ll do all our shopping through computers or interactive TV. It will be possible to see all items – clothing, food, tools, electronic devices, jewelry, cars, appliances, etc. – on the TV screen. You’ll just have to say the name of the item or touch the picture on the screen and that item will arrive at your door in a few hours. You’ll never have to touch money or plastic card. The whole transaction will be electronic. (BLOGDIARIO.COM, 03 jun. 2007) Relacione, no espaço a seguir, as palavras no plural e depois traduza-as para o português.

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Palavras no plural: - People - Stores - Computers - TVs - Items - Clothing - Foods - Tools - Electronic devices - Jewelries - Cars - Appliances - Hours - Money - Plastic cards - Transactions Tradução para o português: - Pessoas - Lojas - Computadores - TVs - Itens - Roupas - Alimentos - Ferramentas - Dispositivos eletrônicos - Joias - Carros - Eletrodomésticos - Horas - Dinheiro - Cartões de plástico - Transações


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