
What is the topic of the art class taught by Lourdes Bernardes? a) Point, line, and shape in visual arts. b) The history of art in France. c) Pai...

What is the topic of the art class taught by Lourdes Bernardes?

a) Point, line, and shape in visual arts.
b) The history of art in France.
c) Painting techniques using brushes and markers.

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2 BIMESTRE_BLOCO3_10-05-2021 À 02-06-2021_1ANO C
46 pág.

Pedagogia EE Joao Hemetrio De MenezesEE Joao Hemetrio De Menezes


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The topic of the art class taught by Lourdes Bernardes is a) Point, line, and shape in visual arts.



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