
According to the Edital PRX nº 064/2023, what is the definition of a project? I- A formalized action with a specific objective and a determined de...

According to the Edital PRX nº 064/2023, what is the definition of a project?

I- A formalized action with a specific objective and a determined deadline, aiming at a result of mutual interest for society and the academic community.
II- A set of interdisciplinary activities of an educational, technological, artistic, scientific, social, and cultural nature, developed and applied in interaction with the internal and external community, with specific objectives and determined deadlines, aiming at transformative interaction between the academic community and society, being a procedural and continuous action.
III- A set of activities aimed at the development of research in the field of education.
IV- A set of activities aimed at the development of scientific initiation projects.
a) I and III are correct.
b) II and IV are correct.
c) I and II are correct.
d) II and III are correct.

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Rogeria Carolino

According to the Edital PRX nº 064/2023, the definition of a project is:

II- A set of interdisciplinary activities of an educational, technological, artistic, scientific, social, and cultural nature, developed and applied in interaction with the internal and external community, with specific objectives and determined deadlines, aiming at transformative interaction between the academic community and society, being a procedural and continuous action.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

b) II and IV are correct.

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De acordo com o Edital PRX nº 064/2023, a definição de projeto é a alternativa "b) II e IV estão corretas", ou seja, um conjunto de atividades interdisciplinares de natureza educacional, tecnológica, artística, científica, social e cultural, desenvolvidas e aplicadas em interação com a comunidade interna e externa, com objetivos específicos e prazos determinados, visando à interação transformadora entre a comunidade acadêmica e a sociedade, sendo uma ação processual e contínua, e um conjunto de atividades voltadas para o desenvolvimento de projetos de iniciação científica.


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