
Historically, different conceptions of ethics are observed. One of them advocates that good conduct is useful conduct, that contributes to the well...

Historically, different conceptions of ethics are observed. One of them advocates that good conduct is useful conduct, that contributes to the well-being (happiness) of the greatest number of people. This approach is called:
a) existentialism.
b) relativism.
c) naturalism.
d) utilitarianism.
e) contractualism.

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150 pág.

Ética Filosófica e Ética Profissional Humanas / SociaisHumanas / Sociais


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A abordagem ética que defende que a boa conduta é a conduta útil, que contribui para o bem-estar (felicidade) do maior número de pessoas é chamada de utilitarismo. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra D.



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