
Analise o texto abaixo. Yesterday, I was walking through the park and I saw a beautiful butterfly. It was flying from flower to flower, collecting...

Analise o texto abaixo. Yesterday, I was walking through the park and I saw a beautiful butterfly. It was flying from flower to flower, collecting nectar. I was so mesmerized by its delicate movements that I stopped to watch it for a few minutes. The sun was shining and the sky was blue, it was a perfect day to be outside. I was feeling relaxed and at peace, surrounded by the beauty of nature. Suddenly, the butterfly flew away and I was brought back to reality. But the memory of that moment will stay with me, and I will always be grateful for the peaceful experience I had in the park yesterday. Os termos destacados correspondem ao: Escolha uma opção: A. verbo to be no passado. B. verbo to be no presente contínuo. C. verbo to be no pretérito. D. verbo to be no presente simples. E. verbo to be no futuro.


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Os termos destacados correspondem ao verbo "to be" no passado. A frase "Yesterday, I was walking through the park" indica que a ação ocorreu no passado e o verbo "was" é a forma passada do verbo "to be".


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