
According to Stephen Krashen, the development of linguistic skills may follow two distinct paths: acquisition and learning. Choose the option that ...

According to Stephen Krashen, the development of linguistic skills may follow two distinct paths: acquisition and learning. Choose the option that best describes the difference between these two processes. Learned knowledge is subconsciously represented in our brains, while acquisition takes place when learners are able to self-correct, editing their language use aided by their own "feel for correctness". These two concepts can be used interchangeably and no distinction between these concepts should be upheld in contemporary SLA terminology. Casual and spontaneous conversations provide optimal occasions for speakers to monitor their discursive productions. Learning is a subconscious process, while acquisition is a process in which knowledge is consciously represented in our brains. Learning is a subconscious and effortless process in which children and adults acquire a new language, whereas acquisition is a conscious pathway in which learners are always aware of their linguistic development.


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A resposta correta é: "Learned knowledge is subconsciously represented in our brains, while acquisition takes place when learners are able to self-correct, editing their language use aided by their own "feel for correctness"." (O conhecimento aprendido é representado subconscientemente em nossos cérebros, enquanto a aquisição ocorre quando os aprendizes são capazes de se auto-corrigir, editando seu uso da linguagem com a ajuda de seu próprio "sentimento de correção".)

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Suna Muniz

Although Krashen has famously drawn a conceptual line to maintain apart the notions of acquisition and learning, the difference between these two terms is not a consensus. Krashen affirmed that acquisition is usually defined as a subconscious process, whereas learning is a conscious process in which we are aware of our linguistic development. For Ortega, conversely, these two concepts can be used interchangeably and no distinction between them should be upheld in contemporary SLA terminology.

Embora Krashen tenha traçado uma linha conceitual famosa para manter separadas as noções de aquisição e aprendizagem, a diferença entre esses dois termos não é um consenso. Krashen afirmou que a aquisição é geralmente definida como um processo subconsciente, enquanto a aprendizagem é um processo consciente no qual temos consciência do nosso desenvolvimento linguístico. Para Ortega, por outro lado, estes dois conceitos podem ser usados ​​indistintamente e nenhuma distinção entre eles deve ser mantida na terminologia contemporânea do SLA.


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