
educação bilingue Read the following text about Tim, a 13 year-old teenager: I’m not the right person to ask about leisure time activities. You...

educação bilingue Read the following text about Tim, a 13 year-old teenager: I’m not the right person to ask about leisure time activities. You see, I never have any free time! I wake up at half past five every morning so that I can go to he pool and train for two hours. [...] Then, I go to school and sometimes it’s hard not to fall asleep in class! In the afternoon, I have another two hours of training before I go home – and do my homework. These days, I’m training for the European championship. [...] Since I want to be a professional swimmer, I take it seriously – it’s the most important thing in my life right now. School comes second. Source: MACMILLAN ENGLISH. Time out! Available at: Accessed on June 29, 2022. After reading the text about Tim and based on Inglês IV – lesson 4 – theme 2 about Simple Present and Present Continuous, read the following sentences. Check (x) the option with the correct sentence according to the text: A Tim describes his daily routine with the Present Continuous Tense. B Tim describes his dream of becoming a professional swimmer with the Present Continuous Tense. C Tim describes his difficulties with the Present Continuous Tense. D Tim describes his daily activities with the Simple Present Tense. E Tim describes his leisure activities with the Simple Present Tense and with the Present Continuous Tense. A E C C C A B C B (?)indígena no brasil


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A alternativa correta é a letra D: "Tim descreve suas atividades diárias com o tempo verbal Simple Present". No texto, Tim descreve sua rotina diária, que é uma ação habitual, usando o tempo verbal Simple Present. Ele não está descrevendo uma ação em andamento no momento da fala, que seria o uso do Present Continuous.


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