
According to Text I, in order to successfully invest in clean energy, governments need to (A) give technical experts more autonomy to publish paper...

According to Text I, in order to successfully invest in clean energy, governments need to
(A) give technical experts more autonomy to publish papers on climate change and clean energy.
(B) learn from past experiences before our chances to prevent dangerous climate change are over.
(C) value the ‘quick-win potential’ of innovation programs promoted by the private sector.
(D) expand investments in energy research and continue launching new renewable-energy programs in the next decades.
(E) encourage the generation of small nuclear power stations and offshore wind turbines before it is too late to forecast climate change.

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23 pág.

Eletrica Industrial Universidade Federal de UberlândiaUniversidade Federal de Uberlândia


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A alternativa correta de acordo com o Texto I é a alternativa (D) expandir os investimentos em pesquisa de energia e continuar lançando novos programas de energia renovável nas próximas décadas.



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