
“holiday hell” and “abuse helpline” (lines 36-37) are quoted in the text to illustrate cases in which the computers will A) readily identify the c...

“holiday hell” and “abuse helpline” (lines 36-37) are quoted in the text to illustrate cases in which the computers will

A) readily identify the clear meaning of such phrases.
B) easily deduce the writer’s primary negative feelings.
C) doubt people’s capacity of expressing their feelings intelligently.
D) have difficulty in understanding the writer’s original emotional meaning.
E) be able to immediately interpret the text’s underlying sarcastic intentions.

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17 pág.

Administração Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná


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A expressão "holiday hell" e "abuse helpline" são citadas no texto para ilustrar casos em que os computadores terão dificuldade em entender o significado emocional original do escritor. Portanto, a resposta correta é a alternativa D) terão dificuldade em entender o significado emocional original do escritor.



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