
Analyze the sentences which contain the correct grammar definition from words, as used in the text. I. Outside: adverb of place; stuff: noun. II. ...

Analyze the sentences which contain the correct grammar definition from words, as used in the text.

I. Outside: adverb of place; stuff: noun.
II. Commercially: adverb of manner; until: adjective.
III. Turned out: gerund; overnight: adverb of time.
IV. Stuff: noun; commercially: adjective.
V. Were used and applied: passive voice; turned out: phrasal verb.
Mark the correct alternative.
A. ( ) I and V are correct.
B. ( ) I, II and V are correct.
C. ( ) III and IV are correct.
D. ( ) II and IV are correct.
E. ( ) All options are correct.

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56 pág.

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Vamos analisar cada alternativa: I. "Outside: adverb of place; stuff: noun." - Correto. II. "Commercially: adverb of manner; until: adjective." - Incorreto. III. "Turned out: gerund; overnight: adverb of time." - Correto. IV. "Stuff: noun; commercially: adjective." - Incorreto. V. "Were used and applied: passive voice; turned out: phrasal verb." - Correto. Portanto, a alternativa correta é: B. ( ) I, II e V estão corretas.



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