
Check the item in which there is a correct correspondence between the underlined words and the idea in italics. (A) “Not only do they give…” (line...

Check the item in which there is a correct correspondence between the underlined words and the idea in italics.

(A) “Not only do they give…” (line 2) – Condition.
(B) “alternate fuels such as electricity” (lines 10 -11) – Addition.
(C) “However, the electric batteries…” (lines 11 -12) – Contrast.
(D) “Even as alternative fuels are developed”. (lines 15 -16) – Cause.
(E) “…but is expected to grow to…” (line 23) – Result.

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Vamos analisar cada alternativa: (A) “Not only do they give…” (linha 2) - Condição. (B) “alternate fuels such as electricity” (linhas 10-11) - Adição. (C) “However, the electric batteries…” (linhas 11-12) - Contraste. (D) “Even as alternative fuels are developed” (linhas 15-16) - Causa. (E) “…but is expected to grow to…” (linha 23) - Resultado. A alternativa correta é a (C) “However, the electric batteries…” (linhas 11-12) - Contraste.



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