
Read the abstract below: Abstract From a qualitative research on the bilingual and international education market in the city of São Paulo, Brazi...

Read the abstract below: Abstract From a qualitative research on the bilingual and international education market in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, the article analyzes the class distinction in the global context. After discussing transformations in the diploma market, it presents the universe of international/bilingual education in Brazil and, through document analysis, it outlines the relational space of private international/bilingual education schools. The typology includes: (a) international schools, (b) Brazilian schools with an international curriculum, (c) bilingual schools and (d) schools with bilingual programs. It states that agents in different positions in the social space unequally dispute the incorporation of dispositions related to globalization. Keywords: Distinction; Globalization; Cultural capital; Bilingual education; International schools Michetti, M. “Bilinguals”, “truly bilinguals” and “global citizens” distinction and social dispositions in the educational market. In: Tempo Social, 34(2), 47-68, 2022. Disponível em: https://www.scielo.br/j/ts/a/yjmhsNNFJmvfXsrTBfrm7yg/?lang=pt#. Acesso em: 09 fev. 2024. The abstract above: I. informs that the research focuses on bilingual education and its perspectives. II. states that the research was carried out through document analysis. III. reveals the research includes private and public bilingual schools. IV. infers that the research concluded that, no matter the typology of the international/bilingual education, there is no class distinction among agents in the global context. The correct statements above are: a. I, only. b. II, only. c. II and III, only. d. I and II, only. e. I, II and IV, only.


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Vamos analisar cada afirmação: I. Informa que a pesquisa se concentra na educação bilíngue e suas perspectivas. - Correto. O abstract menciona que a pesquisa analisa o mercado de educação bilíngue e internacional em São Paulo. II. Afirma que a pesquisa foi realizada por meio de análise de documentos. - Correto. O abstract menciona que a pesquisa foi realizada por meio de análise de documentos. III. Revela que a pesquisa inclui escolas bilíngues privadas e públicas. - Incorreto. O abstract menciona apenas escolas internacionais/bilíngues privadas. IV. Infere que a pesquisa conclui que, independentemente da tipologia da educação internacional/bilíngue, não há distinção de classe entre os agentes no contexto global. - Incorreto. O abstract menciona que agentes em diferentes posições no espaço social disputam de forma desigual a incorporação de disposições relacionadas à globalização. Portanto, a resposta correta é: b. II, apenas.


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