
Associe corretamente conforme o texto complementar: Not: im trying to get a final count for the workshop tomorrow. p.m. if you plan to attend plz ...

Associe corretamente conforme o texto complementar: Not: im trying to get a final count for the workshop tomorrow. p.m. if you plan to attend plz let me no. Thnx. But: I’m trying to get a final count for the workshop tomorrow afternoon. If you plan to attend, please let me know. Thanks. Resposta 1 Escolher... The subject line of your e-mail is of utmost importance, as it is what will determine whether the person reads, files, forwards, ignores, or deletes your e-mail message. Especially with the threat of viruses and other malware, people are less likely to open e-mail messages from people they don’t immediately recognize. Resposta 2 Escolher... Many companies can and do periodically or systematically read employee e-mails. Furthermore, anything you send through e-mail can be forwarded to countless recipients, can be posted on any number of Web sites, or can be printed and publicly displayed or distributed for untold numbers of people to see both in- and outside of the workplace. Consequently, before hitting the send button, make sure you are writing something that you don’t mind if other people know that you wrote. Resposta 3


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