
QUESTÃO 35 The correct passive voice for the sentence ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a frien...

The correct passive voice for the sentence ‘Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to pay tribute to a friend’ will be:

A) Sir James’s family welcomes you all here and thanks you for coming to be paid a tribute by a friend.
B) You are all welcome here by Sir James to pay tribute to a friend, for which you are thanked.
C) We all thank you for being welcome by Sir James to pay tribute to a friend.
D) You are all welcome here and appreciated for coming to pay tribute to a friend.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prova Pref. UberlândiaMG - Gestão de Concursos - 2019 - para Intérprete Educacional.pdf
353 pág.
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