
38 - According to the text, the possible reason for the crash was a) a dust storm. b) a lightning strike. c) the pilot’s lack of experience. d) the...

38 - According to the text, the possible reason for the crash was a) a dust storm. b) a lightning strike. c) the pilot’s lack of experience. d) the presence of wreckage on the runway.

a) a dust storm.
b) a lightning strike.
c) the pilot’s lack of experience.
d) the presence of wreckage on the runway.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

2011 cfs b 2 2011 bct
15 pág.

Eear Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de JaneiroUniversidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro


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Vou analisar cada alternativa: a) uma tempestade de poeira. b) um raio. c) a falta de experiência do piloto. d) o... A resposta correta é: b) um raio.



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